Pneumonic plague claimed perhaps 60,000 lives in Manchuria that year. 就在那年,肺鼠疫导致了满洲或许6万人丧生。
People were forced into quarantine, mostly in the open air where pneumonic plague could not easily spread. 当时,人们被强制实行隔离检疫,实施场所主要是肺鼠疫不易传播的露天环境。
Isolate pneumonic plague patients; 隔离肺鼠疫患者;
Any doubt it's pneumonic plague? 怀疑那可能是肺炎型鼠疫?
With the exception of2 cases of the septicaemic form of plague, all recorded cases are pneumonic plague. 除2例败血性鼠疫外,所有记录的病例均为肺鼠疫。
Pneumonic plague has extensive lung involvement and is spread in droplets from the lungs; it is often fatal in three or four days without treatment. 肺鼠疫,更多的牵涉到肺,从肺以小滴形式传播,缺乏治疗时3~4天即可致命。
Background: Yersinia pestis is the etiologic agent of bubonic and pneumonic plague, which has claimed numerous lives in human history. 背景:鼠疫耶尔森氏菌是烈性传染病鼠疫的病原体,曾给人类带来了巨大的灾难。
People should avoid having direct contact with infective tissues, or from being exposed to patients with pneumonic plague. 民众应避免直接接触传染性组织或接触肺鼠疫患者。
A second man has died of pneumonic plague in a remote part of north-western China where thousands of people have been quarantined. 中国西北部偏远地区肺鼠疫已经造成第二人死亡,数千人被隔离。
Untreated pneumonic plague has a very high case-fatality ratio. 未经治疗的肺鼠疫具有极高的病死率。
However, the low case fatality ratio is unusual for pneumonic plague which suggests that the number of suspected cases may be an overestimation. 不过,就肺鼠疫而言,这一疾病致死率超乎寻常之低,或许表明对疑似病例的数量可能估计过高。
Pneumonic form of plague is the most virulent and least common form of plague. 肺鼠疫是鼠疫的最致命和极少见的类型。
Disputes over Sovereignty during the Pneumonic Plague in Manchuria ( 1910.11-1911.4); 东北地区肺鼠疫蔓延期间的主权之争(1910.11&1911.4)
Primary pneumonic plague results from inhalation of aerosolized infective droplets and can be transmitted from human to human without involvement of fleas or animals. 原发性肺鼠疫是由吸入烟雾状传染性飞沫造成的,并可在没有跳蚤或动物卷入的情况下在人与人之间传播。
Antibiotic treatment of bubonic plague is usually effective, but pneumonic plague is difficult to be treated and even with antibiotic therapy death often occurs. 抗生素治疗一般对腺鼠疫有效,但难以治疗肺鼠疫,经常有抗生素治疗仍死亡的情况发生。
Two cases of subclinical infection seen in an epidemic of human plague are reported: one was exposed to infected marmots and the other directly to a patient with pneumonic plague. 本文分析了在人类鼠疫流行时发生的隐性感染鼠疫两例。一例系接触病獭,一例与肺鼠疫患者直接接触所致。
Abstract The pneumonic plague epidemics in Surat, India which led to a real plague phobia, caused se-rious damage to the economy and the image of India in the world. 苏拉特的鼠疫流行导致了一场名副其实的鼠疫恐慌,对印度的经济和她的国际形象带来了严重的损害。
The conventional vaccine is potentially perilous, and has such weak points as low protective efficacy and high inoculation response rate, and can not protect human body against the attack of pneumonic plague. 传统疫苗存在安全隐患,且存在效率低,接种反应率高以及不能保护人体免受肺鼠疫侵害等缺陷。
Clinical types and therapy with moderate or small dosage of streptomycine for spread in home-room of primary pneumonic plague 原发性肺鼠疫居室内传播及其临床分型和中小剂量疗法